Parochial Church Council

  • The Parochial Church Council, or PCC, is an executive committee of the parish with powers and duties defined by certain Acts of Parliament. The membership consists of the clergy and churchwardens of the parish, together with a number of representatives of the laity elected by the annual parochial church meeting (APCM) of the parish. The PCC secretary and the treasurer are elected from the PCC. The PCC has the responsibility of co-operating with the incumbent in promoting in the ecclesiastical parish, the whole mission of the church, pastoral, evangelistic, social and ecumenical. Formally, the PCC is responsible for the financial affairs of the church and the care and maintenance of the church fabric and its contents. It also has a voice in the forms of Service used by the church and may make representations to the Bishop on matters affecting the welfare of the parish. Although the PCC has ultimate responsibility, it delegates some of this work. There are subcommittees of the PCC that meet at appropriate intervals and feed back to the next PCC meeting.
  • Feltham Parochial Church Council 2022/2023
    Revd. Anne Dollery1 Chair/Incumbent -
    Ruth Stevens1 Church Warden From APCM 2024
    Shelagh Lagden1 Church Warden From APCM 2024
    Ian Stuchbury1 Treasurer From APCM 2024
    Marilyn Wade1 Member From APCM 2024
    Angela Sunderji Member From APCM 2024
    Jenny Young Member From APCM 2024
    Alan Rice Member From APCM 2022
    Rachel Stuchbury Deanery Synod Rep From APCM 2023
    {vacant} Deanery Synod Rep  
    Gary Welland* Secretary -


    1 Standing Committee Member
    * Non voting