We believe that there is nothing that can separate us from the love of God in Jesus Christ. That God is with us in these exceptional times and that his love for us through Jesus Christ is reflected in the many actions of loving service and help happening across Feltham and our nation. We pray for the peace, health and safety of all in Feltham and around the world.
Welcome to our website. We are the Christian community of St Dunstan’s, the Church of England parish church in St Dunstan’s Road in Feltham and part of the Diocese of London. We seek to share God’s love. We trust in God’s love for each person, shown in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and in God’s Holy Spirit guiding us today. We give thanks for God’s love and pray for forgiveness, hope, new life and healing. We pray for the town and communities of Feltham. We are rich in all that God gives to us, though poor in the world’s eyes. All are welcome to join us on Sunday mornings: our service of worship begins at 9.45am and lasts for about 45-60 minutes. It usually includes Holy Communion. On Wednesday at 10am there is Holy Communion service.
Messy Church
Monday morning drop in
Holy Communion (Said)
Holy Communion
Monday morning drop in
Holy Communion (Said)
PCC Meeting
Morning Prayer on Zoom™
Junior Church
Holy Communion
Messy Church
Monday morning drop in
Ash Wednesday Service
Holy Communion
Monday morning drop in
We have sessions on 16th February, 2nd & 16th March and 6th April. 3pm-4:30pm for children accompanied by an adult carer. Details here. | Monday morning Drop-in is open every Monday morning from 10am to 12noon (except Bank Holidays). No need to book, just turn up. IT'S FREE!* Come for the whole 2 hours or just 30 minutes. We chat, have tea or coffee, do quizzes, arts & crafts, word searches, bingo. It's different every week! All activities are for adults, but you are welcome to bring children with you.Details here.
Services & Events
Holy Communion Service
Holy Communion Said Service
Monday Drop In - everyone welcome
WoT (Women on Thursdays) Group
Morning Prayer on Zoom™
Junior Church
Monthly informal prayer meeting